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Radiology (or X-rays) can be used to help acquire important knowledge about your pet’s health that cannot be obtained during a routine check-up. At the OVC Smith Lane Animal Hospital we have our own digital radiography equipment, which allows us to provide crystal clear, digital x-rays in real time in order to examine structures that are not visible during routine physical examination such as bones and soft tissues. This technology allows us to provide you with an in-depth analysis of your pet beyond what we can see with our own eyes in order to provide as definitive a diagnosis as possible.

Our clinic offers ultrasound technology to assist in viewing the inside of your pet’s body to provide information towards internal problems. Ultrasonography can provide visual contrast that is not available through digital x-ray and provide your veterinarian with crucial information. At the OVC Smith Lane Animal Hospital, we offer on-site digital ultrasounds that can provide immediate and valuable information about possible causes for a pet’s condition. Our ultrasound services range from abdominal ultrasounds to the examination of specific organs to determine the presence of any abnormalities.